Acquired knowledge, abilities, skills and formed competencies; what the learner will know, understand and be able to do after successfully completing the learning process. …They can relate both to one discipline, module, or period of study, and to the educational program as a whole.

These are points and grades that a student systematically receives for completing classroom and extracurricular activities (SIW) during a certain period of study of the discipline. The types of assignments and the number of grades and points are described in detail in the syllabus of the discipline.
The university operates a modular-rating letter system for assessing the accounting of educational achievements:
1. Assessment ” Excellent” (from 85-100 points) – the student shows a deep understanding of the topic of the lesson, the ability to think logically, skills, constantly reads additional literature and does in-depth analysis on certain topics of the discipline, independently works with databases and search engines (Pubmed, Medline , Cochrane, etc.), is able to find and critically evaluate scientific publications, and compiles literary reviews.
2. Assessment “Good” (from 74-84 points) – the student has the necessary amount of knowledge and skills, correctly applies them when performing practical tasks, reads the basic literature on the discipline, independently works with databases.
3. Assessment “Satisfactory” (from 61-73 points) – the student has a volume of knowledge and skills only of the basic material of the discipline, has difficulty in performing practical tasks, admits inaccuracies, is not proactive, makes little use of available sources of information.
4. Assessment “Unsatisfactory” (from 0-60 points) – the student does not have the minimum amount of necessary knowledge and skills, does not read literature, is not proactive, does not use available sources of information.
Detailed criteria for checklists are described in the syllabus of the discipline

Procedure, carried out during the period of examination session with aim
definitions level mastering and after completing its study of the discipline.
An examination session is held after each semester for up to 2 weeks, depending on the number of exams. The results serve as the basis for transfer to the next course.

The main requirements for transferring students from course to course are:
1. mastering disciplines in accordance with the student’s curriculum :
2. no arrears in disciplines;
3. elimination of arrears in all disciplines of the previous academic year
4. lack of financial debt.
In case of non-compliance with one of the above requirements, students remain for a second year of study on a paid basis.
If a student gets scores up to 60 for the exam, then he is obliged to retake the discipline according to the retake schedule.
A student can be expelled from the University:
1) for an academic failure in disciplines.
2) for a violation of the principles and norms of academic integrity (Code of Academic Integrity)
3) for a violation of academic discipline:
– as not returned from academic leave within the specified period according to the order;
– as not returning from an overseas business trip within 30 days;
– for systematic absences from classes without good reason
– for the loss of connection with the university (absence without good reason
– for violation of the charter of the University, or other regulatory documents of the university;
– violation of the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan:
– for appearing in class in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
– for using substances causing condition alcoholic, drug intoxication or other type of intoxication ;
– for participating in gambling at the university;
– for violation of labor protection or fire safety rules, which may entail serious consequences;
– for damage to the property of the university;
– for antisocial behavior within the walls of the university.
4) for violation of the terms of the agreement on the provision of educational services, including for non-payment of tuition fees;
5) at their own request (including for medical reasons, for family reasons; in connection with the transfer to another organization of education and science (upon receipt of a request from the organization for a personal file and on the basis of an extract of the order for enrollment of students by transfer); etc.).
If the student for the exam or diff. If the pass receives points from 25-49, then he is obliged to retake the “unsatisfactory” mark corresponding to the “FX” mark once. The student has the right to retake no more than once during the intermediate certification without re-passing the discipline according to the retake schedule. It is not allowed to postpone the retake for the summer additional semester.
Prerequisites (Prerequisites) – disciplines containing knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to master the discipline under study.
Students, not received the final appraisal on prerequisite disciplines cannot proceed to the next course. List of prerequisites
educational programs / specialties presented v See Academic Policy in Appendix 1 .
One of the principles of credit education technology is the construction of an individual educational trajectory. According to this principle, a student from the 2nd year (on the 1st year, mainly compulsory disciplines) draws up an individual curriculum (IEP) for the academic year.
Curators help students in choosing disciplines for ILP. The ILP consists of the disciplines required for study and the discipline of your choice (electives). The catalog of elective disciplines is available to students. Students must register for disciplines according to the academic calendar
Registration for disciplines is carried out on time in accordance with Academic calendar.
The Catalog of Elective Disciplines (CED) is available to students in eBILIM to get acquainted with the summary of the disciplines and the expected learning outcomes.
1. Academic policy for the 2020-2021 academic year
2. Student Academic Integrity Code
3. Internal regulations of students
4. Regulation on the monitoring of progress,
5. Rules for organizing the educational process in a distance format
According to the academic policy of the university at the beginning of the academic year, students are required to familiarize themselves with the internal regulatory documents of the University and sign familiarization sheets at the dean’s office
When calculating the rating of admission, all the marks that are given by the teacher during the period of studying the discipline are taken into account, you can familiarize yourself in detail in the syllabus.
Transcript (Academic Transcript) – document, containing a list of disciplines mastered for the corresponding period of study, indicating credits and grades in literal and numerical terms.
The transcript contains: name of the student; faculty name, specialty, course; duration and form of training; the disciplines passed, indicating the number of credits and final grades, all academic disciplines and (or) modules that the student studied, indicating the final grade, including FX and F grades, are recorded; grade point average (GPA).
In addition, the transcript indicates the reasons for expulsion (for example, for academic failure).
The transcript is issued by the Office of the Registrar at the request of the student for any period of his studies at the University
Students can study certain disciplines (within the framework of the educational program) in other educational organizations, including abroad, the learning outcomes are recognized and re-read by the decision of a specially created Commission
To do this, you must write an application to the appropriate department and attach a confirmation (certificate / transcript indicating the volume and assessment of the discipline studied).
As soon as the commission on the transfer of learning outcomes makes a decision, your disciplines will be included in the transcript
The main internal documents that regulate violations of academic integrity are:
 Code of Academic Honesty student
 Code of honor of the teaching staff
Documents posted on the site
Category 1 disciplinary action for academic misconduct :
 Written comment;
 completing an additional task;
 written exercise or research project on ethics or academic integrity;
 “0” zero points for the task;
Category 2 disciplinary action for academic misconduct :
 Rebuke;
Discipline grade “unsatisfactory” by annulment
results of work.
Category 3 disciplinary action for academic misconduct :
 Expulsion from the University within 5 (five) days from the date of the decision.
The list of violations related to category 1, 2 and 3 is spelled out in paragraphs
6.1. – 6.3. Of the Academic Integrity Code
Category 1 Academic Violations (Minor): These violations may arise from inexperience or lack of knowledge of academic principles, and are often not the result of dishonest intent on the part of the student committing the violation:
• working in tandem with another student while completing small assignments, if work in tandem is not allowed;
• lack of proper references to sources in a small section of the assignment;
• using an idea or general argument without reference to the quoted text;
erroneous omission of quotations without antecedent violations
Category 2 Academic Violations (Serious):
1. a repeated Category 1 violation, regardless of whether the disciplinary action was previously imposed;
2. direct quotation or paraphrasing in moderation, without indicating the source;
3. delivery of work, which is a copy or a significant part of another work, in order to meet the requirements for more than one occupation;
4. using data or explanatory material for laboratory reports without proper identification of sources or participants in the work;
5. .non-observance of the order of instructions of other persons performing tasks or a project, for example, in providing research assistance, statistical analysis, computer programming, data collection, writing, if such assistance was an integral part of the assignment;
6. cheating another student from the exam sheet during the exam, talking or continuing to write the work after the exam has expired (used only for full-time study).
7. using cheat sheets, mobile phones, computers, books, calculators and other materials / devices during the exam without the permission of the teacher / examiner / proctor (used only in full-time education);
8. the use of cheat sheets, additional tabs and the use of Internet resources, additional mobile phones, books, calculators during the exam (when passing the exam remotely );
9. facilitating cheating during the exam;
10. involve the help of third parties during the exam;
11. plagiarism in written works: writing essays, abstracts, presentations up to 40% (the decision is made only after an individual consideration of the details of the work by the teacher);
12. transfer of personal login and password to third parties,
Category 3 Academic Violations (Gross):
1. a repeated Category 2 violation, regardless of whether the disciplinary action was previously imposed;
2. representing the work of another person as his own in the performance of any study assignment, exam, term paper, scientific article, report or any other written work;
3. falsification or misrepresentation of data by providing fabricated or intentionally distorted materials;
4. falsification of the grade sheet or other documents with grades, theft / photographing of examination materials from a teacher or examiner, purchase of stolen examination materials, including using hacker actions;
5. replacing oneself with another person to pass an exam or passing an exam for another person;
6. purchasing or distributing copies of examination materials from unauthorized sources prior to the examination period;
7. collusion of students before the exam in order to develop methods of unauthorized exchange of information during the exam;
8. organization or conspiracy to commit any of the actions listed in this section;
Violations of plagiarism in writing papers belong to Category 2 (significant), which is considered a violation:
 plagiarism v written works: writing essays, abstracts, presentations up to 40%
 plagiarism in written examination papers;
The decision is made only after individual consideration of the details of the work by the teacher
Plagiarism is a violation of academic integrity, it is the deliberate or careless appropriation of the results of someone else’s work, which includes a task presented as the student’s own work, which in fact was fully or partially completed by another person.
Plagiarism also includes submitting another person’s work, idea, statement, or statement without properly citing sources.
The facts of violation of academic integrity at the University are considered depending on the categories of violations, to consider violations of categories 2, 3 by order of the rector, ETHICAL Commissions are created. You can learn more about the procedure for handling cases of academic dishonesty in the Code of academic integrity
This is a summary of the Code of Academic Integrity, House Rules, Dormitory Accommodation and other regulations.
At the beginning of the academic year, explanations of the main provisions of the Code of Academic Integrity are carried out; students sign a Compliance List confirming their readiness to be honest.
Yes, the student has the right to return to the University on a paid basis, regardless of how long ago he left. A prerequisite for recovery is the complete completion of the first course in accordance with the curriculum.
Students have rights to take academic vacation on the following grounds:
– for medical reasons (reference);
– the birth, adoption or adoption of a child before the age of three years.
Upon returning from academic leave, the student continues his studies from the course from which he took this leave. A student who has not returned from academic leave within the terms specified in the order on academic leave is subject to expulsion from the university for violation of academic discipline
This is the training of students at another university of the Kyrgyz Republic or a foreign university for a period of 1 semester or one academic year. All disciplines passed are reflected in the student and will be credited at their university with credits and grades.
At the same time, a memorandum / agreement on cooperation between OMMU and the relevant university must be concluded without fail.
For academic mobility, you can go: using your own funds, grants from national companies, social partners, international funds
To do this, the student submits an application to the Department of Science and International Relations and attaches a portfolio (diplomas, certificates, articles, etc.). Detailed information can be found in the Academic Policy of the university. Information about academic mobility programs offered by the University is posted on the news portal of the University website
Registration in Web of Science, Scopus and Science direct is possible only on the territory of OIMU from computers that are connected to the University Server (Scientific Library); after registration, you can use electronic resources from any place and device connected to the Internet. But every 6 months you need to come to OIMU and go to the resources with your logins and passwords for confirmation.
If you have any questions, contact the head of the department of electronic resources of the Scientific Library
OIMU teachers and students can find literature on the website www.oshimu.com. In it you will find – electronic catalog, electronic resources
You can and can always read the book online
Students can write their suggestions or complaints, first of all, by contacting the dean’s office.
There is a Student Senate at the university, through which students can also convey their wishes and proposals to the deans or the vice-rector for academic activities.
In addition, in order to monitor and improve the quality of educational services, an anonymous survey of students is conducted. Based on the results of the questionnaire, an analysis is carried out
The priority areas of social protection of students at the university are:
 Providing assistance and support to students from low-income families and large families, as well as students from among the disabled and orphans (provision of hostels, discounts for tuition, etc.);
 Assisting students with special needs;
Provision of social and psychological assistance, social and medical support, provision of volunteer assistance to socially vulnerable categories
Detailed information is available on the university website
The university provides material assistance in the form of a discount on tuition:
• Learning orphans
• Students left without parental care who have reached the age of 18
• Students raised by one parent (single mother, death of one parent)
• Severe or chronic illness of the student
• Disabled student, or parents with disabilities of 1-2 groups
• Children of university workers
Apply for detailed information (for example, what documents must be submitted). contact the Department of State Language and Social Work
The term of study is 2-3 years; depending on the specialty. complete information in the reference book “Career” which can be downloaded from the site List of specialties in the reference book “Career” which can be downloaded from the site