Welcome message:

Welcome to Student Senate of Osh International Medical University:

The Osh International Medical University’s Student Senate (OIMU SC) is a standing representative and coordinating body of students for the Osh International Medical University.

The OIMU SC has been successful in establishing the diversified educational environment to contribute to qualitative professional and civil development of students of the university. Their work also includes conducting various events of implementing youth policy; undertaking extracurricular activities and mediating between students and the university administration.

Purpose and Main Objectives:

  1. The activities of the senate are aimed at implementing youth policy and developing measures for its full implementation.
  2. Participation in the organization and improvement of the educational process in groups and at the university as a whole in areas of activity.
  3. Formation of a creative atmosphere in student groups.
  4. Participation in the organization of research work of students.
  5. Participation in the organization and conduct of Olympiads, scientific conferences.
  6. Participation in the organization of reviews, competitions in areas.
  7. Coordination of the activities of public organizations of the university on the implementation of youth policy, timely resolution of youth problems.


  • The Student Senate is chaired by SS’s President elected by students.
  • The President is responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the senate and the exercise of his functional duties.
  • The Vice-president distributes responsibilities between the deputies and coordinates their activities.
  • The Secretory establishes the degree of responsibility of alternates.
  • The Treasurer takes in charge and responsible of handling all financial matters.
  • In the exercise of his duties, the President shall exercise the rights granted by the university administration.

Main Objective:

  • Review of the decision of the questions concerning educational and social work of the student′s organizations;
  • Ensuring protection of the rights and the interests of student′s youth at the faculty;
  • Support of socially important initiatives of youth and their realization;
  • Improvement of living conditions of youth, assistance to improvement;
  • To bring up youth to respect the senior, education in the spirit of care and mercies;
  • To cooperate with the youth organizations of other countries and with institutes of civil society, creation of the relevant agreements;
  • To participate actively, approve, and make decisions in the development of socially important projects in the sphere of youth policy, youth programs, and in their realization;
  • Establishment of communication with other youth organizations, development, and its strengthening;
  • To comprehensively develop self-government of students at the university;
  • To impart the culture of academic honesty among students;
  • To increase the civil role and responsibility of the students living in the hostel;
  • To develop intellectual opportunities and patriotic spirit in students.

Role and Responsibility of a Senator:

  • Dedicate approximately 1-3 hours a week to the senate through digital and face-to-face meetings, independent work, training, and event attendance.
  • Attend all monthly meetings held on the first and third Saturday of each month at 5 PM and quarterly meetings. Meetings are held virtually over video conferences due to pandemics.
  • Work collaboratively with fellow senators to provide input into youth-related projects, resources, conferences and workshops.
  • Help develop the agenda and facilitate workshops at the annual SS orientation.
  • Initiate, develop, and implement projects focused on youth advocacy through collective ownership over the SS Annual Work plan.


The department and the senators are: