Compliance Policy

I, ­__________________________________________________________ the student of Osh International Medical University (hereinafter – OSHIMU), realizing my responsibility for the realization of the University mission and compliance, considering it my duty to maintain and develop corporate culture, compliance  and image of OSHIMU as one of the leading centers of medical personnel training, seeking to form in OSHIMU the system of democratic relations between students, staff and administration of the university, I accept this Code of Academic Honesty, and undertake to strictly comply with the Charter and of OSHIMU, Rules of Internal Conduct, Rules of Residence and also strictly perform their academic duties, not to allow ethical, academic and legal violations, including:
– plagiarism;
– forgery;
– use of cheat sheets, copying and hints at all stages of different forms of knowledge control;
– the use of kinship or service relationships to obtain a higher grade;
– bribery;
– cheating and disrespecting the teacher;
– unexcused absences and tardiness.

_________________                                                              __________________

(Signature)                                                                                  (Date)


It is the responsibility of Osh International Medical University to adhere to all applicable rules and regulations in the conduct of its MBBS program through compliance policy. It is the obligation and responsibility of all Department of OSHIMU to act within all applicable rules and regulations at all times. All Department of OSHIMU and administrative staff members are required by laws to agree and sign the Certification of Compliance annually (if needed) in good faith.  The Compliance Office will operate ethically and with integrity to ensure that the true spirit of competition, is upheld.

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